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Fashion Technology Is Changing Marketing: 5 Ways It Can Do More For Your Brand

It is no secret that Fashion Technology is changing the marketing world. Fashion Technology has created a new trend for fashion brands to be more creative with their marketing strategies. With Fashion Tech, brands can now use technology like Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality to help promote their brand in innovative ways, which will ultimately increase revenue for them. In this marketing technology blog post we discuss 5 Ways Fashion Tech Can Do More For Your Brand!

What is Fashion Technology?

Fashion technology is a term that covers the ever-changing answers to questions like “How do we make clothes?” Fashion has always been about making things, but now these technologies are changing how and where they’re made.

It’s possible for brands to work with suppliers who manufacture garments in low-income countries like Bangladesh or Haiti because of advances in telecommuting and robotics which have made it easier and cheaper than before. Fashion designers can also collaborate remotely on new designs without having to be physically present at an office together.

Fashion Technology allows workers from across the globe to participate fully in production processes too even if they don’t know much about sewing machines. And this level of participation opens up opportunities for people living outside major metropolitan areas (or those who just don’t want to move).

How technology is used in the clothing lifecycle?

Tech can be applied at every stage of the clothing lifecycle, from creating new designs with CAD software and using measurements collected on-site during fashion shows, to analyzing how well your company’s marketing campaign was received by consumers through data analytics. Fashion brands are also starting to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) apps that allow customers who scan their favorite outfits in store or online for feedback about what they like best. This means retailers may stop carrying so many items as they need less inventory . Which makes sense given all the talk these days about an “online shopping apocalypse.”

Five Fashion Tech Trends:

  • Virtual Reality
  • Augmented Reality
  • Facebook Live and 360 Video
  • ‘Live from Fashion Week’ with Instagram Stories or Snapchat Geofilters

They are able to reach a wider audience with new technologies than ever before. For instance in 2017 Fashion Week which was held at Lincoln Center in New York City had over 25 million people watch live on social media through platforms like YouTube. That is how successful Fashion Technology has become when it comes to marketing your brand! The possibilities really do seem endless! 

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Virtual Reality

The consumer’s experience of shopping online or at retail stores could soon become even more immersive thanks to virtual reality (VR). Imagine wearing VR goggles while walking down an actual street lined with shops filled with clothing racks instead of just looking at photographs on a screen; you might feel as if you were really there. Fashion brands, such as Gap Inc., are already beginning to experiment with VR marketing by putting customers in a virtual version of their clothes before they buy them

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality (AR) is going to change the way we shop for fashion more than any other technology that has come about recently because AR will be able to show consumers exactly how an article of clothing would look on their bodies or what it might look like if combined with another item from their wardrobe. With this type of augmented reality experience, shoppers can imagine themselves wearing something and make purchases based on those images rather than just looking at photographs online.

Facebook Live and 360 Video

Facebook live is popular among Fashion Brands who want to share Fashion Shows and Fashion Events with their followers. Fashion Brands are also using 360 Video to give viewers a first-person view of Fashion Shows, which in turn engages them more in the experience and increases revenue for Fashion Tech companies.

‘Live from Fashion Week’ with Instagram Stories or Snapchat Geofilters

They are able to reach a wider audience with new technologies than ever before. For instance in 2017 Fashion Week which was held at Lincoln Center in New York City had over 25 million people watch live on social media through platforms like YouTube. That is how successful Fashion Technology has become when it comes to marketing your brand! The possibilities really do seem endless!

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